Alexandra 7th February 2019

nicola florence maguire born 4th feb 1988 died 8th feb 1988 age: 4 days old i was only 17 years old when i went into labour about 2 weeks early, and was in labour for over 24 hours and was given gas and air for the pain, which then i was not in controll of myself then. there was difficultys giving birth drs. had to use forceps then that did not help so they used the suction cup on her head to get her out. She weighed 6lb 2 half ozs. tried to feed her and she would not have it so was taken into special care baby unit so on day 2 in the middle of the night i was told she would have to be rushed up to the royal liverpools childrens hospital as she was getting worse, the hospital would not let me go with her so i had to discharge myself the next day and make my own way up there to see my little nicola. i was told that she had a hole in her heart and that the valves from her main heart chamber were missing so they said they would do the vales straight away and then do the hole in the heart about a year later but later on in the day i was told that my little angel had passed away on the operating table, but was also told that they tried to do the 2 ops at once and she was not strong enough for that and passed away. that was the worst day of my life losing my little angel. If all that was not hard enough for me to go through about 15 and a half years ago on the tv news about the hospital in liverpool taking babys organs without parental permision once the baby had died and was keeping all the organs in jars for experimenting on, to my horror i found out that my baby was a victim of this cruel issue and took lots of my babys organs without me knowing, i always wondered why my babys head was stitched from ear to ear and a bonnet put on for the funeral, i found out the brain was one of her organs that was taken along with a lot more, it took about 1 and a half years to be able to get all her organs back so then on the 19th sept 2001 we had to have another funeral for my little angel , we had to have her grave dug back up for another casket to be put in with the organs inside it, i could not believe i was reliving this all over again if it was not hard enough the first time then having to go through it all over again. by this time my husband had passed away to cancer aged 38 years so i was going through it on my own. I miss you nicola so much and wish you were still here i still cry most nights for you. you would have been 31 years old now if you were still here grown up but still my baby girl. love you loads and loads with hugs and kisses love from mummy. xxxx